Easy Shrimp Stew (Buzara)

10:56 AM

Easy Shrimp Stew  (Buzara)

“This is a traditional way of preparing skampi (shrimps) or any other shellfish from the Adriatic sea. It is very famous all over the Adriatic and we recommend it to all of our guests while on tour. Very easy to prepare, this dish will guarantee a great meal in just 30 minutes.”

(Serves 4)

-                 3 1/3 pounds fresh skampi from the Adriatic Sea (if you can’t find this, shrimp from your local fish monger will do)
-                 a full 1/3 cup olive oil
-                 two cloves of garlic
-                 parsley
-                 1 2/3 cup white dry table wine
-                 salt and pepper

Wash the shrimp. Put olive oil in the pot and once it is heated, add shredded garlic and parsley. Add salt, pepper, and wine, then add shrimp and cover it all for just 15 minutes.
Serve on the table with white wine  and lots of bread.

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