Albanian Biscuits with Chocolate (Biskota Cokollatë)

12:35 PM

Albanian Biscuits with Chocolate (Biskota Cokollatë)

Albanian biscuits are often eaten warm or once cold, sugar water is added and then they are used as puddings. I love adding chocolate to biscuits or rolling the dough balls in sugar before cooking.

4 People
10 Minutes

-                 1 Egg
-                 1 Small Cup Sugar
-                 2 Handfulls Flour
-                 1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
-                 6 Squares Chocolate (Chopped up)

Mix the egg, sugar, soda and chocolate together, then add the flour to form a dough.
Roll the dough into 8 balls and place them on a baking tray 5cm apart.
Press lightly on the balls to form thick discs.
Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown on 180 degrees.

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