Mushroom with Buckwheat

1:06 PM

Mushroom with Buckwheat

Buckwheat is commonly mistaken for a cereal grain, in reality, it is a fruit seed that comes from a very old plant/grass, whose flowers are small and beautiful! (Very popular in the Balkans, and Eastern Europe.)

Servings 3-4
Execution time 45 minutes

-                 150 gr fresh mushrooms or 20 g dried mushrooms,thinly sliced
-                 50 gr buckwheat,washed
-                 4 tbsp oil
-                 1 small onion,chopped
-                 2 cloves garlic,chopped
-                 1 bay leaf
-                 1 tbsp vegetable seasoning
-                 50 ml sour cream
-                 vinegar
-                 3 sprigs parsley
-                 salt and pepper

Heat the oil and lightly sauté the onion. Add the mushrooms and the garlic and continue to sauté. Add the salt, vegetable seasoning, buckwheat and the bay leaf and cover with water. Simmer gently and just before it is completely cooked, add pepper, sour cream mixed and the chopped parsley. Add vinegar to taste. 

It can be used to perfectly substitute grains in a gluten-free diet!

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