Stuffed Peppers (Speca të mbushura)

1:15 PM

Stuffed Peppers (Speca të mbushura)

Peppers in Albania are grown everywhere and are called 'speca'. Mostly the type grown is Guernica peppers which are ideal for stuffing, roasting but can make casseroles sour if cooked for too long.
This is quite a common dish that we have, you can eat them hot, warm or cold so are great to cook early on and leave for later. 

4 people
40 minutes

-                 6 Large Peppers (deseeded and washed) OR
-                 1kg Small Sweet Peppers (deseeded and washed)
-                 400g Beef or Lamb (Minced)
-                 1/4 Cup Rice
-                 2 Tbsp Tomato Puree
-                 3 Large Onions (Diced)
-                 Rosemary
-                 Basil
-                 Salt and pepper

Brown the onions for 2 minutes in some olive oil before adding the mince beef.
Once the beef has browned, add the rosemary, basil, salt, pepper and tomato puree.
Add a bit more oil to ensure there is at least 1cm of juice once all ingredients are in the pot.
Leave to sweat for 10 minutes, then turn off and leave to cool for 15 minutes.
Once cooled add in the rice and mix well.
Stuff the peppers with the mixture ensuring you push some all the way down and is completely full. As each one is done, place into a casserole dish.
If there is any mixture left, place into the dish around the stuffed peppers.
Bake in the oven on 180 degrees for 1 hour turning occasionally if desired but not necessary.

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